Month: March 2015


The year is 2015 and the open, endless road is calling me – again. The call is growing stronger and stronger each day. It’s the kind of call that, even if you try to ignore, it never goes away. That’s why I rather accept it and listen how it speaks to me about the wide, open road that leads me through new, unfamiliar lands towards new, kind people where a Smile is the alpha and omega of all communication.

Same as before (link available only in Slovene) my trusty companion on this tour will be my bicycle Lou. Together we will eat away the miles, bite the hills, defy the wind, share the loneliness and in the evenings be rewarded for all this with sleeping under different stars (if it will not rain).

And if the first time we went east, this time the west is calling us. From Halifax, Canada through the USA, Mexico, Central America along the Andes all the way to Tierra Del Fuego at the southern tip of South America.

We invite you to accompany us on our tour via posts on this site and from time to time encourage us with a thought. The Dreams live on!

Vaya con Dios!